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Abraham (ENG)

18 Stories about the life of Abraham.

1. God Calls Abraham

2. Abraham and Sarai Deceive Pharoah

3. Lot's Foolish Choice

4. God Declares Abram Righteous

5. God's Covenant with Abram

6. Sarai Gives Hagar to Abram

7. New Names and a Covenant Sign

8. Sarah Laughs

9. Abraham Intercedes for Lot

10. God Rescues Lot

11. Abraham Fails Again

12. The Birth of Isaac

13. God Rescues Hagar and Ishmael

14. God Tests Abraham

15. Abraham's Servant Takes an Oath

16. Abraham's Servant Prays for Guidance

17. Abraham's Servant Fulfills His Vow

18. God Provide's a Wife for Isaac

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